Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Getting Ready

Monday I bought a shower stool and put it together  It will come in very handy and will be very easy to disassemble and store once it is no longer needed.  I also checked into getting a knee scooter.  Insurance will not pay for it.  Rats!  I bought a walker for $7 at Goodwill a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure I will use it.  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  I have my crutches from when I broke the leg back in '82 and have replaced the rubber parts which had succumbed to dry rot or whatever it is that happens to rubber.  I have a plastic thing to put over my splint or cast to keep it dry when I shower.  Since it will be difficult to put on pants I bought a couple of night shirts and a couple of the baggy fleece lounging pants.  I guess I'll manage to get by with a few skirts and baggy pants for a while.  I have a couple of pars of pants that have the zippers at the bottom so that you can put them on without taking off shoes.  I don't know yet what the cast or splint will be like or how big it will be.  I can only guess based on what I have seen other people wearing.  One way or the other, I'll manage to clothe myself.

Each  day I think of something else I should make sure to get done before my surgery, like cutting back the roses.  I'm trying to write things down as they occur to me so that nothing will be left undone.  Sometimes I  think of things at really inopportune moments - like when I'm driving or in the shower.  But I  guess it will all  get taken care of one way or the other..   I hope arrangements have been made to cover my classes, but that is one of the things that is really out of my  control.

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