Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pre-op appointment day

Today I had my pre-op appointment with the doctor.  My surgery is scheduled for February 26, two weeks  from tomorrow.  I was concerned that my appointment would be cancelled due to weather.  When I left home shortly after 8:00 sleet was falling and had accumulated on the windshield, but quickly the sleet turned to rain. Then it turned to snow - great big fluffy flakes - where Wilson Boulevard crosses I-77. The snow kept up until near Rock Hill.  By the time I got to the clinic in Charlotte it was snowing again.  By the time I left almost two hours later everything was covered except, fortunately, the streets.  From then on the snow was steady until I got almost back to Columbia.

Here's the parking area outside the clinic.

I had a list of questions, some of which the nurse was able to answer.  She suggested a few more.  Here's the scoop:
- I will not know the time of surgery until the day before when the hospital will call to inform me.
- I will spend one night in the hospital.
- I will initially be in a splint because of the wound/incision site and swelling.  After that I will have a cast or boot for a length of time to be determined by wound healing.
- Weight bearing status will also be determined by wound healing.
- I will be able to drive when I am off pain meds.  (Hmm...  Really?)
- The need for physical therapy will be determined based on how I do.
- I can get back into the pool after 6 or 8 weeks.

They gave me the paperwork for a handicapped placard but DMV wouldn't let me have it because the doctor's office didn't fill in my name and birthdate in the bottom section and didn't say whether it was temporary or permanent.  Grrr!  Had to call the office but probably will not hear back for a few days as they will be closed tomorrow (and probably Thursday) due to the winter storm.

1 comment:

  1. From your Nephew in the Salt Lake Valley

    I look forward to following your road to recovery. This is the sort of thing Deanna went through when she had her tailor’s bunion operation but I think the recovery time wasn’t as long as yours will be. You’ll get through this just fine like you always do! You’re my female Indiana Jones after all!
    I’d think of it as a year off from adventuring and building up to looking forward to what your next outing is going to take you. I’m getting some things done dental wise (Yea, don’t go there), it’s my own fault for not flossing properly but it’s not as bad as you and everyone else will think. It will be one day in and out and that’s about that for that.
    Naomi, we still haven’t had the talk with the doctor yet. She’s scared we’re scared but the doctor says don’t worry about it, but how can we not worry about considering the issue is with it. There is also no guarantee that it won’t come back again there is still 0.01% chance and that scares us.
    Know we’re rooting for you and a fast speedy recovery, wished we were there with you. We wish God speed at Warp 12 to you Auntie.


    Steve & Family
