Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Friends

If I ever doubted my friends and family, my experiences lately have restored my faith in friends, family and humanity.  People have been so kind, thoughtful, and generous.  Several wonderful people have volunteered to spend time with me during my recovery so that I will not have to be alone, and others have offered to help me out with rides to the grocery store and such.  I have also received what will surely be delicious homemade dishes to keep in the freezer and heat up as needed.  Last night my Aquafit students brought me a beautiful bunch of flowers that is brightening up my kitchen, and the scent of the stargazer lilies is perfuming the entire room.  (And I am not even sneezing!)  Thanks, everyone.

Here is a photo of the flowers.

I know I will go crazy being inactive and unable to get out like I'm used to so for the next few days I will be doing as much as possible to enjoy my independence.  I may be very tired by the time I have the surgery!

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