Sunday, March 2, 2014

4 days post op

Today is Sunday.  I think I am doing pretty well.  Of course there is pain, but if I keep my foot elevated it isn't bad at all.  There are about a million side effects to oxycodone, and I am experiencing about half of them.  My face is splotchy - oxycodone.  Headache - oxycodone.  Night sweats - oxycodone.  The list goes on.

I will include xrays of my implant in a later post, as well as a picture of my cast.


  1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is the side effect I get the most of, when I have to take oxycodone (percocet). I take it for pain, and then clean or build something. :) Don't know why.... lol

  2. Strange! I think I'd end up with my face in the wash water!
