Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Two Weeks

I'm living life in two week increments.  Every two weeks marks an important milestone.

Tomorrow it will be four weeks since my surgery and two weeks since having the stitches removed and the splint changed to a cast.  My next appointment is two weeks from today. At that time, hopefully, I will be put in a walking boot and be able to start putting weight on my foot!  How cool will that be?!  Hope I'm ready.

Before the surgery I was advised to "take the drugs."  So I did.  I took the Percocet for a week.  Then I took the Vicodin for a week. Then I switched to Tramadol.  I'd probably still be taking that if I hadn't developed a very stiff neck.  The Tramadol didn't seem to help the neck pain so I took some Extra Strength Tylenol instead, and I realized my ankle felt fine.  I'm down to two Tylenol in the morning and one every five or six hours the rest of the day.  So, my question is, how do you know when to stop taking the drugs?

Now that I have the drugs out of my system I feel so much better. When my neck is back to normal I will really feel great.  Getting out and about is still a challenge. The crutches make me nervous and take a lot out of me physically, and while the scooter is a fantastic device, I can't get it in and out of the house easily without assistance.  Also, I feel off balance when stationary on it for a while - such as when trying to do things in the kitchen - and my hip starts to hurt. Maybe a height adjustment will help.

I am so excited that spring is almost here!  By the time I get my walking boot the weather will hopefully have warmed up enough for me to start taking daily walks in my neighborhood. I'm also hoping for clearance to get in the pool where I will really be able to do some good whole body workouts.

What will the boot be like?  Will I be able to remove it so that I can bathe?  Will I have to sleep in it?

So, two more weeks and then...
    -less need for crutches/scooter
    -a clean, non-itchy leg (even if just for the day)
    -good aquatic exercise.


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