Tuesday, March 11, 2014

More Questions

So far I haven't been really bored, thanks largely to the wonderful people who have spent time with me and helped me out.  I've really enjoyed my visitors.  When no one else is here I can read or play games on the tablet or watch videos.  When I don't feel like doing any of those things I just close my eyes and go to sleep.  Ahhh!  Better living through chemistry.

I wish I could be outdoors paddling or something like that while we are having such nice weather, but at least I have my sunroom and my window seat and can look out at the birds.  Tomorrow the weather will change and will become cool.  By the time it warms up again maybe I'll have a nice chair with a footrest that I can put in the yard.

Although I feel pretty well most of the time, I started running a fever yesterday afternoon and had a terrible headache.  I thought I was past that.  One reason I am writing this blog is so that others undergoing the same procedure will know what to expect.  Of course, there are so many variables that no two individuals will have identical experiences, but it would have helped me to have just a little more knowledge of the experiences of others.

Tomorrow I go for my first post op appointment.  I am eager to see what the incision looks like.  There is a good chance that I will feel a bit lightheaded when he starts taking off the bandage and removing stitches.  I know I have in the past under similar circumstances.

I started out taking Percocet for pain and switched to Vicodin.  I am taking one every 5 hours.  If I am up and about too much the ankle starts to ache, so I am spending a lot of my time flat on my back with my foot propped up on pillows.  One of the things I am uncertain about is the pain medication.   Would I be better off taking more or taking it more frequently?  Or would that just make me more wooly headed?  Where are the guidelines?

Looks as if I have some questions to write down before my appointment tomorrow.

Nice flowers from my neighbors Jessica, Michael and Elizabeth.

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